Comfort and Joy Christmas Logo

Christmas at Christ Church 2020

For most of us this is going to be a Christmas like no other in living memory.    We hope and pray that in the midst of all the anxiety and fearfulness, we will together find both comfort and joy in the Christmas story: that God loved the world He created so much that He sent His Son Jesus, to live among us, to experience human pain and loss, and ultimately to give His life that we might know life in all its fulness.

Please do join us if you can - in church, or online. And please be assured of our prayers for all in our wonderful community of Gipsy Hill.


Tuesday 8th & Wednesday 16th December
- Carols Live at 6.30pm
Around the Gipsy Hill Christmas Tree


Sunday 13th December
- Christingle Service, 5pm
In church and live on facebook


Sunday 20th December
- Carol Service, 5.30pm & 7pm

Join us at one of our services of readings and carols by candlelight


Thursday 24th December -  Christmas Eve
- Nativity Live, 4.15pm
Live on facebook, (not in church)

Part of the Christmas tradition for Gipsy Hill - this time online. Please join in with the conversation on facebook after, you can even dress up at home if you like!

- Holy Communion, 9pm
In church

A traditional service of Holy Communion as we celebrate the beginning of Christmas morning. Please note the earlier time due to COVID.


Friday 25th December
- Holy Communion, 9.30am and 11am
The 9.30am service will be broadcast live on facebook


As rules and guidance change in coming weeks, we may move more activities online - please keep an eye on our facebook page before setting out -