Christmas at Christchurch 2018

"Follow the Star" Christmas Logo

Christmas at Christ Church 2018!

In the midst of the excitement, we hope that over Christmas you will be able to join us to remember, celebrate and give thanks for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is God with us. We know that Christmas is not the easiest time for everyone and whether you want space for reflection, or celebration and activity, there is something for you.


Sunday 9 December
- Christingle, 4pm for crafts & making Christingles
- Christingle service , 5pm

Bring all the family along at 4pm to make a selection of Christmas crafts and prepare a Christingle for the service at 5pm - half an hour of singing, Christmas drama and fun, finishing with a Christmas tea.


Wednesday 12 December
- Friends of St. Christopher's Carol Service, 7.30pm

We are delighted to be hosting at Christ Church the Carol Service for the Dulwich Friends of St Christopher’s. Please come along and enjoy music from the Faith Works Gospel Choir and Julia Desbruslais of the London Mozart Players.  And of course join in singing your favourite carols!  Mince pies and mulled wine after the service with a retiring collection for the work of the hospice.


Sunday 16 December
- Carol Service, 8pm

Join our service of readings and carols by candlelight, followed by mulled wine and minced pies.


Monday 24 December
- Nativity Service, 4pm

Part of the Christmas tradition for Gipsy Hill - come and join in our nativity for all the family. Dress as your favourite nativity character or come early and borrow some of our dressing up clothes to join in the retelling of the story of the first Christmas. Please stay for tea afterwards as we celebrate Christmas together.

- Holy Communion, 11.30pm

A traditional service of Holy Communion as we celebrate the beginning of Christmas morning.


Tuesday 25 December
- Holy Communion, 10.30am

Come and join the celebration as we engage all ages in a service of Communion to celebrate the good news of 'God with us'.

Autumn Series 2018

Autumn trees

Autumn Series 2018: Speaking our Faith

This November, we will be running a series of evenings looking at core aspects of our faith. The evenings will include time for both teaching and discussion, and we hope they will prove an exciting opportunity for us to explore key elements of our faith as well as building confidence in how we can share the Gospel in the world today.

Our aim is that as many members of the church as possible will be able to join for these evenings, and so we will be running each session twice. The sessions will be staggered, so if you happen to be away for a week, with good planning you could still make each one! If you are part of a small group, the plan will be for your group to come to these sessions together. If you are not part of a small group, you are definitely still welcome and this could be a great way to get involved in deeper study and conversations with others from church.

Each session will run first on a Thursday, before being repeated the following Wednesday. The evenings will begin at 7.45pm with drinks and dessert, with Wednesday sessions being held in the Narthex (back of church), and Thursdays in the upstairs hall. After refreshments, we will begin with a time of worship, and then move into the teaching and discussion.


1. Speaking of God

Thursday 1 November
Wednesday 7 November

2. Speaking of the Cross

Thursday 8 November
Wednesday 14 November

3. Speaking of the Kingdom

Thursday 15 November
Wednesday 21 November

4. Speaking of the World

Thursday 22 November
Wednesday 28 November

5. Speaking our Story

Thursday 29 November
Wednesday 5 December

Mission Rescue Holiday Club

Mission Rescue Holiday Club

Get excited about our Holiday Club - "Mission Rescue"!

After the success of last year, we will be running another summer holiday club for children of primary school age (ages 4-11y) on the mornings of Monday 23–Wednesday 25 July, from 9:30-12:30pm. We will look at a different Bible story each day in a fun and creative way, and there will be a fab team to lead the events.

There will also be an opportunity for crafts, games, sports, bouncy castle, light refreshments and music!
There is a £10 cost per child.


You can download a booking form here.
Forms should be completed and sent back to the church office - full details are on the form itself.

If you have any further questions, please email

Christmas at Christ Church 2017


Christmas at Christ Church 2017!

2017 has marked the 150th anniversary of our church - a time of remembering, celebrating, and giving thanks for the life of our church and the local community.

In the midst of the excitement, we hope that over Christmas in this anniversary year you will be able to join us to remember, celebrate and give thanks for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is God with us. We know that Christmas is not the easiest time for everyone and whether you want space for reflection, or celebration and activity, there is something for you.


Saturday 10 December
- Christingle, 4pm for crafts & making Christingles
- Christingle service , 5pm

Bring all the family along at 4pm to make a selection of Christmas crafts and prepare a Christingle for the service at 5pm - half an hour of singing, Christmas drama and fun, finishing with a Christmas tea.


Sunday 17 December
- Carol Service, 8pm

Join our service of readings and carols by candlelight, followed by mulled wine and minced pies.


Sunday 24 December
- Nativity Service, 4pm

Part of the Christmas tradition for Gipsy Hill - come and join in our nativity for all the family.  Dress as your favourite nativity character or come early and borrow some of our dressing up clothes to join in the retelling of the story of the first Christmas.    And stay for tea afterwards as we celebrate Christmas together.

- Holy Communion, 11.30pm

A traditional service of Holy Communion as we celebrate the beginning of Christmas morning.


Sunday 25 December
- Holy Communion, 10.30am

Come and join the celebration as we engage all ages in a service of Communion to celebrate the good news of 'God with us'.

The Church on the Hill Concert, Saturday 23rd September

London Mozart Players Logo

The Church on the Hill

Join us for a celebration of 150 years in the life of Christ Church Gipsy Hill and its local community from its Victorian origins, through wars, fires, and celebrations, into the 21st century.

There will be music from the London Mozart Players and narration from Patrick Lambe.

Sat, September 23, 2017
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

at Christ Church, Gipsy Hill

Tickets at £15 direct from Christ Church or from Eventbrite here!

There is an earlybird price of £10 until August 20th if you buy direct from the church office.