Easter at Christ Church 2019!
We would love to see you at Christ Church over our Holy Week and Easter celebrations.
In the first week of the Easter holidays, bring your children to our successful holiday club for primary age children, Alive and Kicking! Each morning, from Wednesday to Friday (10th to 12thApril), there will be songs, drama, games and bible stories on the main stage and sports and craft activities for kids from reception to year 6. Grab a form from the church office (email ministry@gipsyhill.org.uk) and register your children as soon as you can.
The following week, beginning with Palm Sunday on the 14th, sees us mark the final days of Lent towards the wonderful celebration of Jesus resurrection on Easter Day.
Monday to Wednesday (15th-17th) we have evening reflections on Jesus’s last days, and on Maundy Thursday 7.30pm, we will share in a meal together that reflects on the Jewish Passover and its significance for Christians today.
Good Friday takes us on a journey to the cross, as we gather to walk around the parish for prayer before joining Churches Together in Crystal Palace for a collective service on the green outside Sainsbury’s at 11am. And at 2pm, we gather in church for an hour of meditation and reflection, in words and music.
On the Saturday before Easter, we are inviting all children in the area to join us for our Easter funday, where there will be crafts, games, songs and the building of our Easter garden.
And finally, we celebrate with great joy the wonder of Easter on Easter Sunday, with communion at both our 9am and 10.30 am services.
Do come and join us – for any or all of our services and activities. You will be most welcome.