
The 3rd Gipsy Hill Brownie pack was registered in December 1920 and is part of Lambeth South district.  There are currently around 20 Brownie Guides in three ‘sixes’: Badgers, Foxes and Hedgehogs. Members come from all around the local area, inside and outside the parish.  During school terms we meet weekly in the lower Goodliffe Hall and enjoy games and activities such as craft, cooking and working for badges. There are also occasional weekend trips.

Activities are based on three sections – YOU (focusing on personal development and individual interests), COMMUNITY (looking at the community, citizenship and community action) and WORLD (learning about different countries in the world and celebrating diversity).

We are always ready to welcome new members and new helpers.  If you have a potential Brownie and want to know more, please visit and click on 'Register a Child' be sure to select 3rd Gipsy Hill as your preferred unit when prompted. Alternatively, email co-leaders Christine and Louise via the following address: